Opportunities to Participate

people having fun


Unity Pulse front page


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Unity Pulse 

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events, classes and more.



women's group








Saturday, April 5th  3-4 pm

Monthly meeting of Unity's All-Inclusive Women's Group

All women are welcome

(Cisgender and Transgender)  

Topics and Leadership to be determined by group.




Warmer weather is approaching!

And so is camping!


Be a part of the Unity Camping Event at

Cranberry Lake

Call 517 290-7201 to make your reservation

Be smart and reserve by April 30th

to ensure you have a space!



Bring your camper, rent a rustic tent, book a cabin or reserve a room in the bunkhouse.

Bonus: 50% of all proceeds are begin donated to Unity.

Pricing for two nights

Rustic Tent $80     

Camper Hookups: Electric only $90, Electric & Water $98, Full Hookup $100

Other Options

Bring your own pillows, bedding and eating utensils

Rustic Cabin $170 sleep 5, Bunkhouse $170 Sleeps 4, Bunkhouse $170 sleeps 4 












super supperskunch bunch









  Lunch Bunch 1st Friday of month 1 pm                                          Super Suppers last Wednesday of the month 6 pm                              

Euchre tournamentEuchre and Games







Kiwanis Euchre 1st Friday of month       Games Day 3rd Sunday of the month

Sometimes sessions are offered in person only because of the nature of the work that is experienced.

In the event that a meeting is a hybrid or a zoom event, link information is below
Unity Spiritual Center of Lansing Zoom Meeting Room
Meeting ID: 177 417 886 Passcode: 601744

Legacy Opportunities Below